Thursday, December 3, 2015


Stop and think for a few minutes about what you think God is. Think about the all-power that God is supposedly capable of. Now, what ever makes you think for one second that there is more than ONE?  

There is one, and only one God. 

RELIGIONS are policies that man has made up as a means of paying homage to God.  Each culture has their own name for God, their own version of the Bible, their own Commandments, their own methods, prayers, songs, churches and leaders.  It's all regional and cultural, and it's all MAN MADE.  Just because you call the Power that created the Universe by a different name, doesn't mean that it's a different Power. Why isn't that glaringly obvious? 

There is no "one true religion."  There is no "My God and religion are the correct one, and everyone else is wrong." That's BULLSHIT.  That's MAN'S EGO. That's CONCEIT. 

To kill other people because "God told me to," or "because you follow the wrong religion" is INSANITY, pure and simple. Mankind is slowly going insane, and using religion as an excuse to justify their insane behaviors is how to not take responsibility for one's own actions. 

People have created their religions to control the masses. Then, they distorted their religions over the centuries to use it as a justification for bigotry, small mindedness, ego, greed and hate. It is not "God's Will" for any raving lunatic to go to any public place and kill people. Not now, not ever. Anyone who tells you that is insane. Do not follow the teachings and leadership of insane people. Use your REASON. No sane person blows themselves up for a cause. No sane person sets off explosives in a public place to destroy total strangers. No sane person shoots into a crowd of innocents - FOR ANY REASON.  There is no SANE reason to do anything that cold, heartless, mean and evil. Humanity's ego, greed and selfishness is driving itself insane.  I see no hope.  Perhaps a meteor that destroys all living thing on Earth so the planet can start all over would be a good thing.

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