Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weapons and gun ownership

Assault rifles and automatic weapons (like Uzis) are NOT for hunting or home protection. They are ANTI-PERSONNEL weapons created for WAR to give your military enemy the maximum opportunity to die for their country. 

Even law enforcement does not need anything that can SPRAY bullets at high speed. The bullets that miss the target can go for great distances and/or ricochet off to unintended directions. Completely innocent people several blocks away can be hit without ever knowing what hit them. Bullets in populated areas ABSOLUTELY need to be controlled, and that means firing them ONE AT A TIME intentionally at a SPECIFIC target so you can see where they go and account for them. 

NO civilian ever NEEDS an automatic weapon. You want to hunt and protect your home - fine. Do it with a weapon that you can actually CONTROL. One that fires one bullet for each time you pull the trigger. TAKE LESSONS! Get training. Practice. Become an expert in the weapon that you own. Be responsible for it. It's not an extension of your dick! You're not a bigger, badder, more manly man because you own a military grade assault rifle that you're not competent with and can't control. You insist that you have a right to own such a weapon?  Okay, fine.  Then when you fire it, you deserve to go to jail for all the damage that you caused with it.  Street gangs and criminals think automatic weapons are cool because they don't require any skill to spray the front of a house, or a car and kill everyone in the vicinity of their target. Home grown gang violence is just another form of terrorism.

Sadly, when you make something illegal to own, sell or use, you only take it away from honest citizens.  Yes, I agree that automatic weapons should be banned and not be on the streets of our cities and towns.  But how do you stop black market military weapons dealers from selling the damn things to gangs, criminals and terrorists?  Taking them out of stores and gun shops is not going to take them off the streets.  It will just make them harder to get and more expensive to buy out of the trunk of a car.  The law isn't going to stop that.  It only gives law enforcement additional crimes to charge them with when they get caught.

Update:  July 1, 2015 -

Omaha, Nebraska not only has the highest murder rate of Black people in the country, but it is double the national average.  This is ridiculously sad.

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