Friday, December 5, 2014

Internet Advertising

This is one of those things in life that I'm just supposed to suck up and deal with because there's nothing that I can do about it. 

When reading articles printed on paper, I could just turn the page and ignore the advertising. Now, with the internet, I click on an article that I want to read and I have to wait for almost 45 seconds (f-o-r-e-v-e-r!) for all the fucking video advertisements and commercials to load. The article that I want to read comes right up - 3 seconds, as it is just text. But the "Jake from State Farm" commercial, a survey, a car video, some sort of shock value article about some starlet's big boobs, and an ad about this "new skinny pill has doctors alarmed" bogs down my ability to scroll down the page (until after all this shit loads). Aaaaaand, there's at least one large size pop-up that blocks the article and has the little "x" to turn it off both very well hidden, and the last thing to load, so I can't just flick it away like a bug and get back to my article. I have to wait for the entire fucking thing to load before I can do anything. I can't close it, move it, see around it or see through it until it is damn good and ready to let me. 

What really happens about half the time is I get pissed at being fished in, and I close the whole page without reading the article. I often get the feeling that I'm getting spam, spyware, malware or viruses loading themselves onto my computer by how much the computer sounds like it is laboring under the workload of trying to open the page.

If I were looking at Hollywood gossip or porn or some shit like that, I would deserve to get viruses and spyware, but this morning I was trying to read a legitimate newspaper article about some recent NASA satellite photos of Alaska, and what they revealed about global warming. but that newspaper is so bogged down with crap that I gave up. 

Then, I Googled the subject and went to the source. Here is the NASA website link which includes the first part of the article and photo that was on the other site:  but it doesn't discuss the aspect of global warming.

And yes, I have pop-up blockers and virus protection that includes spyware/malware blockers. Modern advertising programmers have figured out how to get around them. Sometimes the ads are programmed in such a way that if your pop-up blocker gets in their way, they won't let you read the article at all.

Another one that pisses me off is the ad that pops up on EVERY YouTube video that I've ever tried to watch. It says "Update your Windows XP Drivers." It blocks part of the screen.  I have to click the "X" but if the video has an embedded link to subscribe (or something) then trying to turn of the pop-up activates the link.  Then I have to re-watch the first 5 or 10 seconds of the video to see what I missed while I was dicking around with the stupid banner ad.

And furthermore, anything that I look at or search for ends up being the "star" of all the pages that I normally go to FOR WEEKS.  I bought a Bissell spot clean carpet scrubber.  The ad for that is now EVERYWHERE I go.  I was searching steering wheel covers on Amazon, now they are everywhere. There are advantages and disadvantages to the whole "Big Brother is Watching" thing, but this whole "Marketing is Following You" thing is starting to piss me off.

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